
Friday May 12, 2023
Ep. 98: Tucker Carlson and the Death of Cable News
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
In this solo episode, Eric gives his take on Larry Elder's decision to enter the 2024 presidential race, as well as why he thinks conventional political "scandals" simply don't matter anymore. For the main topic, he talks about Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News, and how his show's transition to a Twitter exclusive could very well mark the symbolic death of traditional cable TV news.
00:00 - Intro: Larry Elder running for President?
16:19 - Do political scandals even matter anymore?
29:41 - Main Topic: Tucker Carlson and the Death of Cable News
Larry Elder announces his candidacy for president on one of the last episodes of Tucker Carlson’s show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1HRrI3mnas
Larry Elder previously attacked President Trump and defended Ron DeSantis (timestamp 1:28:44): https://rumble.com/v1ufq3a-jennifer-horn-live-did-a-silent-civil-war-cost-the-gop-the-senate-majority.html
Eric’s article at American Greatness on how conventional “scandals” simply don’t matter in American politics anymore: https://amgreatness.com/2023/05/06/beyond-scandal/
One of the first reports on Tucker’s firing, from Disclose TV: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1650523028915200000
Don Lemon announces his own “firing:” https://twitter.com/donlemon/status/1650533617636966400
CNN’s official PR account tweets that Lemon’s version of events is false: https://twitter.com/cnnpr/status/1650545115897769985
Both Tucker and Lemon have hired the same lawyer in preparation for lawsuits against their former employers: https://people.com/politics/tucker-carlson-don-lemon-hire-same-lawyer-who-represented-chris-cuomo-and-megyn-kelly-after-their-firings/
Tucker’s departure results in a massive drop in Fox Nation subscribers: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/25/angry-fox-nation-subscribers-follow-tucker-carlson-out-the-door/
Tucker’s exit results in a massive ratings drop for all other Fox News shows: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2023/05/03/fox-news-ratings-drop-tucker-carlson-departure/
Tucker’s first post-firing Twitter video got more views than his old Fox News show: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12020745/More-people-watched-Tuckers-Twitter-video-hour-watched-old-time-slot-8pm.html
Tucker announces that his show will continue as a Twitter exclusive: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1656037032538390530
Excellent thread by John Doyle on the immediate future of right-wing cable TV news: https://twitter.com/comradedoyie/status/1650579169514774594

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Ep. 97: Trump Arraignment Syndrome, with guest Tom Pappert
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
In this special episode of The Right Take, Eric talks to Valiant News' Tom Pappert for a full breakdown on the indictment and arraignment of President Donald Trump. They discuss the massive political implications of a possible conviction and arraignment, what the impact could be on the 2024 GOP field, and whether or not America as a nation can even come back from this.
00:00 Intro
04:00 The Trump indictment and its impact on America's global standing
17:53 Why do South Carolina Republicans suck so much?
21:33 What are Trump's chances in court, and the indictment's impact on the 2024 race
25:37 Is the indictment increasing Trump's support?
32:23 The latest on the 2024 primary field and DeSantis' not-campaign
1:05:27 Why they really have to stop Trump's comeback
1:08:11 Who should Trump's VP pick be in 2024?
1:23:43 The 2024 Arizona Senate race
1:28:58 One last suggestion for Trump's VP pick
1:36:56 A major White-pill prediction from Tom
Eric's article in American Greatness on how Trump's indictment is the beginning of the final fight: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/01/the-final-fight-begins-now/
Follow Tom's work at Valiant News: ValiantNews.com
Follow Tom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtompappert
Valiant News' Preston Parra was fired by Right Side Broadcasting Network for mocking Ron DeSantis with memes: https://valiantnews.com/2023/03/how-americas-top-maga-outlet-canceled-me-for-being-pro-trump/

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Ep. 96: Are Republicans Finally Growing A Spine?
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Jacob and Eric recap the latest round of crucial elections, then go over the most recent candidates to jump into the 2024 presidential primaries, on both sides. For the main topic, they take a look at the bold actions of the Tennessee GOP in dealing with far-left insurrectionist Democrats in their ranks, as well as Texas Governor Greg Abbott's vow to pardon an Army Sergeant convicted of murder in the self-defense shooting of a BLM rioter, and use these situations to ask the question: Is the GOP finally beginning to show some backbone?
00:00 Intro
03:39 Grim Electoral News in the Midwest
17:02 New Candidates Jump into 2024 Race
40:16 Main Topic: Tennessee House Expels Great Value Jesse Jacksons
01:20:47 Main Topic: Governor Greg Abbott (TX) Offers Reprieve from a Pro-BLM Jury Lynch Mob
Leftist candidate Janet Protasiewicz crushes conservative Daniel Kelly in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/05/left-wing-candidate-wins-crucial-wisconsin-supreme-court-election/
Far-left Brandon Johnson narrowly defeats the more moderate Paul Vallas in the Chicago mayoral race: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/05/far-left-brandon-johnson-wins-chicago-mayoral-runoff/
Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announces his candidacy for the 2024 Republican primaries: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/02/asa-hutchinson-presidential-bid-trump-withdraw-00090058
Breitbart Facebook post where Boomers in the comments blindly support Tim Scott for no particular reason whatsoever: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02FZsYxq9Hysr2eDactQK5TCRRYjewMzfYuaCKXCpAf6o8FceKG52MHe4vfWfPb2j6l&id=100059642974022&mibextid=qC1gEa
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces his campaign for president as a Democrat: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/08/robert-f-kennedy-jr-makes-a-run/
Roger Stone predicts that President Trump will choose RFK Jr. as his running mate in 2024 for a “unity ticket:” https://twitter.com/alanjacoby1776/status/1644868598303805440
A mob of trannies and other far-left rioters storm the Tennessee State Capitol: https://twitter.com/therighttakepod/status/1641509705854902289
Video proof of the tranny rioters assaulting state troopers as they tried to breach the capitol: https://twitter.com/craftmastah/status/1644030276425621525
The three transurrectionist lawmakers interrupt the legislature’s proceedings with a bullhorn and bringing rioters into the chamber: https://twitter.com/vincedaotv/status/1641511869960577042
Newsweek writes a pathetic “fact-check” to insist that it wasn’t trannies who stormed the Tennessee Capitol: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-transgender-community-storm-tennessee-capitol-1791626
Karine Jean-Pierre, days after the Nashville shooting, says “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now:” https://twitter.com/tpostmillennial/status/1641521322072088588
Another mob of trannies stormed the Florida State Capitol the day after the Tennessee Transurrection: https://twitter.com/therighttakepod/status/1642499263530713096
Kamala Harris goes to Tennessee to meet with the three transurrectionsts: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/07/tennessee-house-expulsion-kamala-harris-meet-ousted-members/11621736002/
The speeches given by the three transurrectionists on the day of their expulsion vote: https://twitter.com/vincedaotv/status/1644412591505121307
The three transurrectionists arrive to their expulsion vote, “arm and arm,” LARPing as civil rights icons: https://twitter.com/kelseymgibbs/status/1643979193343168512
Greg Abbott vows to pardon Sergeant Daniel Perry for killing a BLM rioter in self-defense: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/10/texas-governor-promises-to-swiftly-pardon-army-sergeant-convicted-of-killing-blm-rioter/

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Ep. 95: Tranny Terrorism
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
In this episode, Jacob and Eric discuss the ongoing implosion of Ron DeSantis' not-campaign for president in 2024, then discuss a recent piece by Richard Hanania on how the Right could possibly start winning the Culture War. For the main topic, they address the tragic shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, carried out by a deranged tranny who believed she was a man, and take a look at the rise in violent rhetoric and terrorist acts carried out by other trannies in recent years.
00:00 Intro
03:46 Obituary of Ron DeSantis's Presidential Hopes
33:28 Richard Hanania on Why the Right Wins on Guns and Abortion but Loses on Race and Sex
48:28 Main Topic: Nashville Terror
Ron DeSantis skipped CPAC 2023 to attend a high-profile fundraiser: https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-cpac-club-growth-trump-1784433
DeSantis tells Piers Morgan that he doesn’t “rub elbows” with donors, but then claims he has broken fundraising records: https://twitter.com/therighttakepod/status/1639984872629338113
DeSantis tells Newsmax’s Eric Bolling that he wouldn’t be Trump’s VP because he’’s “more of an executive:” https://www.mediaite.com/politics/a-bloody-embarrassment-newsmaxs-gorka-torches-desantis-immediately-following-his-appearance-on-the-network/
Rich Baris of Big Data Poll says that pro-DeSantis donors are panicking behind the scenes over his tanking in the polls: https://rumble.com/v2f2k8w-fox-news-will-never-pick-another-president.-rich-baris-with-sebastian-gorka.html
Richard Hanania's article on how the Right can start winning: https://richardhanania.substack.com/p/conservatives-win-all-the-time
The names of the six victims in the Nashville shooting: https://amgreatness.com/2023/03/29/nashville-shooting-six-victims-including-three-9-year-old-children/
Nashville shooter Audrey Hale’s parents refused to indulge in her transgender delusions: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11912163/Nashville-school-shooter-Audrey-Hales-parents-accept-gay-trans.html
Trannies in Nashville think the real danger from the shooting is backlash against trannies: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/fear-pervades-tennessees-trans-community-focus-nashville-shooters-gend-rcna77066
A Washington Post contributor agrees with a tranny activist who justifies the shooter’s actions: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1640469156243066881
LGBTQ groups actively called to block the release of her manifesto, claiming it could have “serious consequences” for trannies: https://www.newsweek.com/audrey-hale-manifesto-release-raises-major-concerns-among-lgbtq-groups-1790938
Just hours after the shooting, Newsweek published a piece mocking the Tennessee GOP for banning drag shows instead of assault weapons: https://www.newsweek.com/tennessee-republicans-ban-drag-shows-mocked-after-mass-shooting-1790677
In recent weeks and months, trannies have been calling for political violence if their “rights” are not acknowledged: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqT8xE2N5N_/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
A thread by Andy Ngo documenting three other examples of recent mass shootings carried out by trannies: https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1640481011581734914
Elon Musk likes a tweet declaring that the transgender movement is producing domestic terrorists: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1640483509780328450

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Ep. 94: The Long Take: What Is Woke?
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Conservative activists, pundits, and politicians love to mock the “woke.” But what does it mean to be “woke?” What is the ideology of “wokeness” and where does it come from? We do a long take on this term and explore why many conservatives purposely redefine its original meaning.
00:00 Intro
04:45 Bethany Mandel asked to define “woke”; opens mouth, inserts foot
22:10 History of the political definition of woke
27:35 Why Conservatives purposely get this wrong
01:03:12 The Scott Adams Saga
01:13:30 When leftists try to use wokeness to racially awaken non-black American minorities
01:21:13 Vivek Ramaswamy's blame in misdefining woke
Conservative commentator Bethany Mandel completely shuts down when asked to define “woke:” https://twitter.com/vanguard_pod/status/1635749284355211264
Slate’s post-mortem on Mandel’s meltdown, revealing that she similarly couldn’t answer the same question months earlier: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/03/bethany-mandel-define-woke-video-stolen-youth.html
Mandel writes up an excuse column in Newsweek, basically claiming to suffer PTSD from her humiliation: https://www.newsweek.com/define-woke-bethany-mandel-conservative-book-1788538
Twitter users shred Mandel’s excuse that she can’t define “woke” in a “15-second soundbite:” https://twitter.com/dennistrainorjr/status/1636164360933457920
British newspaper The Independent correctly understands the true history of the word “woke:” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woke-meaning-word-history-b1790787.html
Conservative media outlet IJR mislabels a pro-lesbian Air Force recruitment ad as “woke:” https://ijr.com/on-heels-of-woke-army-recruitment-ad-air-force-releases-one-that-has-people-excited-again/
Babylon Bee compares woke-ism to transgenderism: https://babylonbee.com/news/conservatives-cant-define-woke-shouts-leftist-who-cant-define-man-or-woman
Babylon Bee’s cringe skit mocking their idea of “woke:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SObAWGCr0Y
In 2005, black author Kamau Kambon called for "exterminating White people off the face of the planet:" https://twitter.com/DrEllaBridges/status/1638464479427014657
Medical journal calls “Whiteness” a parasitic-like condition: https://amgreatness.com/2021/06/10/medical-journal-article-calls-whiteness-a-parasitic-like-condition/
A New York psychiatrist admits in a Yale lecture to fantasizing about shooting White people: https://amgreatness.com/2021/06/07/new-york-psychiatrist-admits-in-yale-lecture-to-fantasizing-about-shooting-white-people/
UNC journalism school dean worried that diversity of thought would interfere with the school’s goals of social justice: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/unc-dean-worried-diversity-of-thought-would-interfere-with-social-justice-ahead-of-nikole-hannah-jones-appointment/
Ibram X. Kendi's article defending CRT after Glenn Youngkin’s victory: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-danger-more-republicans-should-be-talking-about/ar-AAWhoim
An argument between Darren Beattie and James Lindsay on how to best combat CRT: https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1621753299845226496
Rasmussen Reports survey shows that 72% of people agree with the statement “It’s OK to be White,” with 47% of black people disagreeing: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/its-ok-to-be-white-agree-72-including-53-of-blacks
Scott Adams’ full statement on black people who don’t think it’s OK to be White: https://twitter.com/JLPtalk/status/1629614546116833281
Elon Musk defends Adams: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1629764614870167552
Vivek Ramaswamy was previously speculated to be a possible candidate for the U.S. Senate in Ohio in 2022: https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2021/01/26/a-look-at-the-race-for-portmans-senate-seat-and-a.html
The Cincinnati Enquirer compares Ramaswamy’s life story to that of Senator J.D. Vance: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/columnists/2023/01/18/anti-woke-crusader-vivek-ramaswamy-mulls-political-future/69814260007/
A portion of Ramaswamy’s announcement interview on Tucker Carlson’s show: https://twitter.com/vivekgramaswamy/status/1628249151195553792
Ramaswamy calls on DeSantis, Haley, and other Republicans to condemn the possible indictment of President Trump: https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1637233081806364675
Politico’s long-form profile of Ramaswamy as the presidential speculation first began, calling him "one of the intellectual godfathers of the anti-woke movement:" https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/02/13/anti-woke-ramaswamy-2024-election-00082414
The New Yorker Magazine calls Ramaswamy “The CEO of Anti-Woke Inc:” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/12/19/the-ceo-of-anti-woke-inc
Our prescient post on Gab warning about Ramaswamy back in December of 2021: https://gab.com/TheRightTake/posts/107386487987371505

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Ep. 93: Will SCOTUS Finally Break Big Tech? With guest Tim Kilcullen
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
For this episode, former guest Tim Kilcullen returns to The Right Take as he and Eric recap their experiences at CPAC 2023. Tim then talks about a coming landmark decision from the Supreme Court, Gonzalez v. Google, a case which could potentially redefine Section 230 and change social media forever.
00:00 Intro
04:57 - The highlights of CPAC 2023
21:43 - Main Topic: The Supreme Court case of Gonzalez v. Google - Will it make or break Section 230?
45:25 - Other Big Tech cases before the Supreme Court, plus the affirmative action cases
49:36 - What are some other possible solutions to the Big Tech problem, outside of SCOTUS?
Tim's previous appearance on The Right Take: https://righttakepodcast.com/2021/07/21/interview-with-virginia-house-of-delegates-candidate-tim-kilcullen/
Follow Tim's work: https://www.kilcullenforvirginia.com/

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
EP. 92: Biden’s Trains to Nowhere
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
This week Eric discusses Nikki Haley’s announcement that she’s going to take on Donald Trump for the GOP nomination in 2024. Jacob explores why we’re in a proxy war with Russia by examining the ideology and loyalty of Secretary of State Antony Blinken. For the main topic, we discuss the chemical disaster in East Palestine, OH and the Biden administration’s seeming indifference.
00:00 Intro
04:31 The Neocon in Heels Joins the 2024 Race
23:07 Blinken's Precious Liberal International Order
47:00 Main Topic: Nuking a Town with Chemicals
Nikki Haley explicitly blamed President Trump for the 2015 Charleston Church shooting: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/282092-nikki-haley-on-trump-i-know-what-that-rhetoric-can-do/
In the aftermath of the shooting, Haley signed a law to ban the Confederate flag from state government grounds in 2015: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/09/421531368/south-carolina-gov-nikki-haley-to-sign-confederate-flag-bill-into-law
President Trump “welcomes” Haley to the 2024 primaries with a series of backhanded compliments: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-welcomes-nikki-haley-2024-race-more-merrier
Jacob’s article at Valiant News detailing Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s globalist worldview: https://valiantnews.com/2023/02/blinken-no-peace-in-ukraine-until-russia-abandons-donbass-crimea/
Blinken tries to dictate the terms under which peace could be achieved in Ukraine: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/14/1156723277/blinken-china-ukraine-russia-syria-aid
Blinken details his vision for the “rules-based international order:” https://www.state.gov/the-administrations-approach-to-the-peoples-republic-of-china/
Blinken’s speech before the Council on Foreign Relations on how Americans must be convinced to support the liberal international order: https://www.cfr.org/event/multilateral-diplomacy-modern-world-conversation-tony-blinken
The full extent of the fire from the controlled burn of the Ohio train derailment: https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/east-palestine-train-derailment/crews-on-scene-of-train-derailment-in-east-palestine/
Three major cable news channels spend a collective total of 30 seconds covering the train derailment: https://www.dailywire.com/news/three-legacy-media-outlets-have-spent-less-than-30-combined-minutes-covering-ohio-train-crash
One resident of East Palestine, Ohio showcases her dead chickens following the controlled burn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_PVJ8ytAec
Another resident with dead animals in the area: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amQKrcQUq4o
Senator J.D. Vance exposes how the creeks in the East Palestine area are still contaminated: https://twitter.com/JDVance1/status/1626305927207854089?s=20
Hazmat specialist says “we basically nuked a town” with the chemical fallout:
The numerous health risks of Vinyl Chloride, the main chemical spilled as a result of the derailment:
Phillip Bump complains in the Washington Post about how the derailment fallout will lead to greater distrust in institutions: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-other-risk-from-the-east-palestine-disaster/ar-AA17tXsB
Pete Buttigieg essentially claims the train derailment is no big deal, because thousands of trains derail every year: https://twitter.com/nbreavington/status/1626582562448756737
Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the derailment, pledges $25,000 to the Red Cross to help temporary animal shelters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofH_BJeJVJc
Attorney warns residents against taking $1,000 hush payment from Norfolk Southern:
How ECP brakes and other technological failures could have led to the derailment: https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/infrastructure/ecp-brakes-technology-ohio-derailment/

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Ep. 91: RNC Race Turns Into Trump Desantis Proxy War
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
This week, we discuss a potential 2024 MAGA nationalist alternative to the pro-BLM Republican Senator Mike Braun before jumping into the story of the week: the RNC race.
For the main topic, we examine why Ronna McDaniel blew out Harmeet Dhillon and why Ron Desantis felt the need to semi-endorse Dhillon at the last minute. We also dive into the implications this has for a Trump vs Desantis primary war.
00:00 Intro
03:55 Senate Map 2024 not Looking good for Democrats
07:33 Jim Banks for Senate (IN)
23:06 Main Topic RNC Race Turns into Trump vs Desantis Showdown
33:33 Why did Harmeet Dhillon get blown out?
45:13 Why did Florida Man make an eleventh-hour “endorsement?”
Conservative Congressman Jim Banks running for the U.S. Senate in Indiana: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/01/17/exclusive-jim-banks-on-indiana-senate-run-more-clear-to-me-than-ever-we-need-conservative-fighters/
That time outgoing Indiana Senator Mike Braun got roasted by Tucker Carlson for supporting Black Lives Matter and "defund the police" measures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pfa0WQFm9A
Daily Beast does a hit piece on Ron DeSantis, claiming that his supporters are building an online network of "far-right influencers" to support his candidacy: https://www.thedailybeast.com/ron-desantis-secret-twitter-army-of-far-right-influencers
Townhall summarizes the main reasons why Harmeet Dhillon ultimately lost: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2023/01/29/is-this-why-harmeet-dhillon-fell-short-in-rnc-chair-race-n2618867
Politico reports on top Harmeet Dhillon ally Caroline Wren randomly accusing conservatives of secretly supporting Ronna Romney McDaniel: https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2023/01/28/lessons-from-ronna-mcdaniels-rnc-romp-00080038
Rasmussen poll shows that Mike Lindell was the base's preferred candidate for RNC chair: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/most_gop_voters_want_new_rnc_chair
An excellent Twitter thread on why Trump's support for McCarthy, McDaniel, and other establishment figures is actually the smart move: https://twitter.com/magaoriginalist/status/1618750105921941505?s=46&t=CY_QwN-kcFj-uCPhvDdPOg

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
For his fourth appearance on The Right Take, Valiant News' founder and editor-in-chief Tom Pappert talks to Eric about the massive drama war unfolding between Steven Crowder and The Daily Wire over multi-million-dollar contracts, Big Tech censorship, mainstream media vs. conservative alternatives, and more.
Follow Tom's work at Valiant News: https://valiantnews.com/
Follow Tom's video content at Spreely: https://spreely.tv/ and https://spreely.video/
Steven Crowder's original video hinting at a major conservative media company being loyal to Big Tech in its terms and conditions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTcq4UCTZ-Y
Professor Jordan Peterson, who now works for Daily Wire, initially shared Crowder's video on Twitter before deleting the tweet hours later: https://twitter.com/ipjunkie/status/1615772333574078479
Crowder's follow-up video, confirming that he was referring to Daily Wire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG9BFUEoy1I
The original Vanity Fair article on how Hollywood producer Jeremy Boreing "made" Ben Shapiro: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/12/

Friday Jan 20, 2023
Ep. 89: The Long Take: The Twitter Files
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
For this week's episode, we return to our Long Take format to discuss the Twitter Files, specifically the Deep State's involvement with Twitter to silence its critics and boost its allies.
00:00 Intro
05:10 Evaluating Musk's Takeover of Twitter
16:27 How Twitter Squashed the 2020 October Surprise
23:05 Shadowbanning
27:40 Banning Trump
36:08 When and Why Did the FBI Involve Itself with Twitter?
45:52 Making Sure 2016 Didn't Happen Again
01:02:39 How the Deep State Coerced Twitter to Carry Out its Agenda
Twitter employees overwhelmingly donated to Democrats and left-wing causes: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1598829996264390656/photo/1
Democrats blamed "Russian bots" for the Devin Nunes memo, despite Twitter disagreeing with this assertion: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739
Twitter Files Parts 1-15