
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
How Intransigent Three-Percenters Set Agendas and Rule Societies
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
In this episode, Eric and Jacob break down Governor Glenn Youngkin’s first day in office and the convulsions on the Left that it produced. They then look at a theory by statistician NAME who posits that an intransigent minority of a low as three percent can force its values on the rest of society. For the main topic, they look at how this theory is affecting the Democratic Party’s moving its voting rights bill to the top of its agenda and what this bill would do to the country.
00:00 Intro
01:20 A New Regime in Virginia
15:54 How to set up a three-percenter dictatorship
36:33 Main Topic: How an intransigent minority turned “voting rights” into Biden’s top agenda
List of Youngkin’s first few executive orders upon taking office: https://richmond.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/youngkin-signs-executive-orders-to-bar-critical-race-theory-covid-19-mandates/article_72423217-d285-5946-86f5-5a55274cd7a4.html
New Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares fires the entirety of the AG Office’s Civil Rights Division: https://amgreatness.com/2022/01/17/new-virginia-attorney-general-fires-entire-civil-rights-branch-of-the-ags-office/
Virginia State Senate President whines about the dissolution of the Civil Rights Division: https://twitter.com/SenLouiseLucas/status/1482092188293115905
Far-left website “Blue Virginia” complains about all of Youngkin’s executive hires: https://bluevirginia.us/2022/01/glenn-youngkin-tries-really-hard-for-an-even-worse-pick-than-andrew-wheeler-thats-right-faaar-right-elizabeth-schultz-for-assistant-superintendent-of-public-instruction
Youngkin previously hired a gay “Latinx” college cuck: https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wingers-turn-on-glenn-youngkin-over-his-lgbtq-staffer-and-vaccine-rules
Youngkin hire who liked to wear skirts and tight T-shirts for “Pride Month:” https://twitter.com/NoVA_Campaigns/status/1461618623169142784
Group of left-wing Virginia parents sue Youngkin over his rescinding of mask mandates for schools: https://amgreatness.com/2022/01/19/far-left-group-of-parents-sues-youngkin-over-lifting-of-mask-mandates/
No, the Woke Revolution Isn't Over by N.S. Lyons: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2022/01/19/no_the_woke_revolution_isnt_over_561054.html
Interesting article about how a dedicated minority can enforce its will on society:

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
January 6ers Storming Government Again
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
In this first episode of 2022, Eric and Jacob discuss a Catholic University professor who has decided he’s had it with the US Constitution. They also mark the first anniversary of the January 6 storming of the Capitol and note how many of those J6ers are running for office. For the main topic, they discuss leftist YouTube, or BreadTube, and its cozy relationship with the British and American governments, specifically their tax-paying subjects.
00:00 Intro
0:1:51 Catholic University professor’s broadside against our Constitution
21:32 Happy Insurrection Day! J6ers on the ballot in 2022
Main Topic: Leftist BreadTube Subsidized by your Tax Dollars
30:55 What is BreadTube?
40:47 Who are BreadTubers?
52:12 Leaked Documents: British and American taxpayers forced to fund BreadTuber
01:11:52 What’s the solution?
Eric’s article on why the Right should start celebrating January 6th: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/31/of-reichstags-and-bastilles/
Leftist “Catholic” professor claims “the Constitution isn’t working:” https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/587431-the-constitution-isnt-working
Multiple January 6th protesters now running for office: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/05/jan-6-protesters-run-for-office-526545
How a leftist network of YouTubers known as “BreadTube” is being funded by taxpayer dollars: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/12/24/leaked-files-syria-psyops-astroturfing-breadtube-covid/
New York Times puff piece on Caleb Cain: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radical.html

Friday Dec 31, 2021
2021 in Review
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
For the final episode of the year 2021, The Right Take guys recap the year's biggest political and cultural developments, from the January 6th protests, to the collapse of Afghanistan, to the long-awaited backlash against Critical Race Theory.

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Jussie Smollettizizing A History of Yesterday
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
This week, Eric and Jacob discuss the fall of the Cuomo Crime Family; some recent juicy, Congressional inside baseball; and a discovery by journalists in Mexico, showing UN and NGO literature coaching caravan migrants. For the main topic, they discuss ongoing attempts to one-up Jussie Smollett in keeping the anti-white race hoaxes coming in an effort to revise history in near real time.
00:00 Intro
01:45 Chris Cuomo joins his brother to sleep with the fishes
11:53 Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, and When to not Back Down
44:38 UN Literature in Mexico Coaching Migrants to Claim Asylum in the US
55:35 Main Topic: The Quest to Set New Smollett-Style Race Hoax Records
57:35 Microaggressions 4eva
01:01:10 ESPN Goes All in on Mythologizing Bubba Wallace
01:30:48 Remembering “Remember the Titans,” Disney's Own Jussie Masterpiece
Chris “Fredo” Cuomo faces his own sexual assault allegation: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/06/chris-cuomo-faces-his-own-sexual-assault-allegation/
Fredo preparing to sue CNN over remaining contract salary: https://www.foxnews.com/media/chris-cuomo-cnn-lawyering-up-legal-battle
Fredo’s planned 2022 book release cancelled by publisher: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2021/12/07/report-chris-cuomos-book-canned-by-harpercollins/
One of Fredo’s producers faces his own charges of preying on underaged girls: https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/cnn-fires-pedophile-chris-cuomo-producer/
Censure of Paul Gosar for posting an anime meme: https://www.c-span.org/video/?516088-3/debate-resolution-censuring-representative-paul-gosar
Our prior debate about the merits of MTG in Episode 7: https://righttakepodcast.com/2021/02/09/episode-7-a-tale-of-two-fringes-liz-cheney-and-marjorie-taylor-greene/
Marjorie Taylor Greene says Lauren Boebert should not apologize to Ilhan Omar: https://sports.yahoo.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-says-never-041031067.html
Rep. Nancy Mace - a Republican - accuses MTG of being a racist, and MTG fires back: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-reps-mace-greene-spar-over-rep-boebert-s-islamophobic-n1285085
United Nations and other NGOs providing illegal aliens with instructions on how to claim asylum in the U.S.: https://nationalfile.com/video-trashed-un-pamphlets-found-mexico-tell-illegal-immigrants-get-refugee-status-america/
Black doctor claims to be discriminated against by White people mistaking him for janitor: https://twitter.com/tmswDO/status/1469063003559636999
…some replies and ridiculous past tweets of his on race: https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/12/12/that-you-jussie-black-physicians-claim-he-was-mistaken-for-custodian-doesnt-go-over-too-well-1174626/
How Bubba Wallace is actively trying to destroy NASCAR: https://www.espn.com/racing/story/_/id/30583100/how-bubba-wallace-pushed-nascar-evolve
Profile on Wallace pre-2020: https://theundefeated.com/features/bubba-wallace-has-the-car-and-the-drive-to-change-nascar-state-of-the-black-athlete/
Wallace’s cousin was shot and killed by Knoxville police after he reached for a gun: https://casetext.com/case/gillispie-v-city-of-knoxville
19 lies told by Disney’s “Remember the Titans:” https://thegruelingtruth.com/misc/remember-the-titans-disney-19-lies/

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Was the 2020 Election Stolen? Part VI: Georgia
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Welcome to the second part of The Right Take guys' investigation of the allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. In this part, they dive exclusively into the election and aftermath in Georgia. After examining the evidence, they each give their personal verdict on who won the Peach State.
00:00 Tipping the Georgia Scales before Election Day
05:50 Burst Pipe on Election Day
10:30 Technical Glitches and other Election Day Irregularities
16:31 Recounts and Litigation
20:23 Certification through the end of November
27:56 Hidden Ballots? The Curious Case of Ruby Freeman and her Daughter Shaye Moss
42:29 December lawsuits
56:35 Aftermath: Secretary of State Raffensburger gets selectively tough while facing a primary challenger
01:04:18 So, who really won Georgia and the Electoral College?
In 2016, 6.4 percent was rejected, and in 2020, 0.4 percent was rejected.
Georgia pre-election court settlement on ballot curing
Election Day pipe burst
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/pipe-bursts-atlanta-arena-causing-hour-delay-processing/story?id=73981348, https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/elections/georgia-absentee-ballots-ok-after-pipe-bursts-at-state-farm-arena/85-37a6c502-09cd-48eb-8856-15c5602d6aff
Text chain produced from FOIA request
Spalding County glitch
Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer on Fulton County count stoppage
Voting machines crashed in Georgia’s Spalding and Morgan Counties
The curious case of the late night Dominion voting machine updates in Spalding County
Alleged Chatham County fraud
Case of poll worker taking something out of a ballot envelope, crumpling it up, and throwing it away
Computer malfunctions in Gwinnett County
Votes in Fulton County rescanned after errors
Change of address discrepancies
Confirmed dead voter
Recount uncovers 2,600 uncounted votes
Allegations of fraud in Lin Wood suit
Suzi Voyles’s allegations of fraud
Allegations of fraud during recount
Sidney Powell’s lawsuit
Attorney and registered Florida Democrat Carlos Silva’s allegations of “widespread fraud” in several precincts during recount
The Amistad Project of the Thomas Moore Society’s lawsuit contending more than 200,000 Georgia ballots were improperly counted or not counted
Georgia Senate committees heard allegations of fraud, including what looked like suitcases of ballots being pulled from under a table after poll watchers were told counting was done.
Surveillance video presented to senators
Secretary of State’s explanation
Footage shows when boxes put under table appears to confirm Brad Raffensburger and Gabriel Sterling’s explanation
Matt Braynard’s testimony before the House Governmental Affairs Committee
VoteGA’s lawsuig
Center Square on 1,700 counted fraudulent votes
State’s response to Trump campaign’s claims of fraudulent votes
Carter Jones report
Thirty-five cases referred for prosecution
Potentially thousands of people voted from wrong county
Georgia’s State Election Board appointed a panel to investigate past elections in Fulton County, taking a step toward a possible takeover of election operations in the state’s most populous county.
Lawsuit by nonpartisan-aligned voters with credible proof of fraud dismissed over standing
Interview with Garland Favorito, founder of VoteGA, who brought the lawsuit
CONFIRMED: Over 200 votes double counted
Two Fulton County Board of Elections workers fired for shredding registration forms
CONFIRMED: Over 10,000 and counting illegal mail-in votes from wrong addresses
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Was the 2020 Election Stolen? Part V: Wisconsin
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Welcome to the second part of The Right Take guys' investigation of the allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. In this part, they dive exclusively into the election and aftermath in Wisconsin. After examining the evidence, they each give their personal verdict on who won the Badger State.
00:00 Tipping the Wisconsin Scales before Election Day
15:40 Lawsuits, Affidavits, Irregularities, Shenanigans, and Outright Fraud
43:35 Aftermath
46:04 Elder Care Center Fraud Enabled by the Wisconsin Election Commission
51:11 Where Election Investigations Stand Today
In 2018, 21,675 were rejected, and in 2020, 969 were rejected.
Wisconsin Elections Commission ignores law
Loophole to avoid making voters show voter id
Biden jump at 4 am
https://twitter.com/FiveThirtyEight/status/1323957535628558337, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/04/fact-check-no-fraud-wisconsin-overnight-vote-spike/6167188002/
Biden got more people to vote for him in Milwaukee County than Obama did at the height of his popularity in 2008.
Typical Milwaukee ward size
County where Biden votes allegedly got switched to Trump not out of character with 2016
What happened early November 4 when Biden’s votes spiked above Trump’s?
https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2020/11/04/absentee-ballots-give-biden-lead-in-wisconsin/, https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/2020/11/06/milwaukee-election-flash-drive/
Testimony on election irregularities
Wisconsin voter registration and turnout rates
Biden’s vote anomalies
Dead voter alert
Trump’s lawsuit claims
Sidney Powell lawsuit gets states mixed up
National Review’s breakdown of Judge Brett Ludwig’s rejection of Trump lawsuit
Wisconsin Supreme Court refuses to hear Trump case on 4-3 vote (includes dissents)
An elections commission report in June found that 13 cases had been referred for prosecutions for fraud.
WI election officials id’d 27 potential cases of fraud
Nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau released the findings
Racine County nursing home fraud scandal
Special Counsel currently investigating 2020 election for Republican-controlled legislature
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Was the 2020 Election Stolen? Part IV: Pennsylvania
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Welcome to the second part of The Right Take guys' investigation of the allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. In this part, they dive exclusively into the election and aftermath in Pennsylvania. After examining the evidence, they each give their personal verdict on who won the Keystone State.
00:00 Tipping the Pennsylvania Scales before Election Day
12:06 Counting the Votes
28:16 After the Count: Lawsuits, Hearings, Affidavits, and Apparent Shenanigans
44:08 Aftermath
In 2018, 115,684 were rejected, and in 2020, 7,099 were rejected.
Mail-in ballots allowed to be counted three days after election day by PA Supreme Court
Mail-in ballot return rate by party
Why the GOP-controlled legislature didn’t allow mail-in ballots to be counted before election day
“Zuckbucks” in Pennsylvania
Episode 18 “How the Right Can Stop Losing” where we cover “Zuckbucks” nationwide
In Pennsylvania, “The counting of the ballot of an absentee elector or a mail-in elector thus deceased shall not of itself invalidate any nomination or election.”
Nine military ballots found in a dumpster, seven opened, all for Trump.
USPS loses unknown number of ballots
The case of Sebastian Machado in Erie County
A video of a poll watcher went viral, causing #stopthesteal to be mentioned 12,800 times by noon on election day.
Poll watchers turned away
A Democratic observer confirmed the binocular use
Poll workers in Biden facemasks filling in blanks in submitted mail-in ballots (among other things)
Voting machines down in Scranton
Before the spike, Trump was up nearly 700,000 votes at 56 percentage points against Biden’s 43 points.
Graph of vote timeline
Allegations of fraud from Rudy Giuliani
Pyrrhic Trump court victory on election observer distance
Philly sheriff refused to enforce order
Cory Lewandowski’s experience as an observer
The curious case of USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins
Trump’s November 9 lawsuit
Allegheny County Republican board member’s refuting Trump’s claims
Trump court victory on ballot curing between November 9 and November 12
Major law firm bullied into withdrawing from Trump lawsuit
Giuliani claimed in court that he wasn’t claiming fraud.
Example of Pennsylvania’s violation of equal protection clause boosted Biden’s numbers
In Philly suburban Bucks County, the Trump lawyers signed court documents that they weren’t claiming fraud or misconduct.
On November 15, the Trump campaign narrowed its federal case in Pennsylvania to claim that the only complaint it had was ballot-curing
On November 21, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann — a Republican and Federalist Society member in central Pennsylvania — compared Trump’s legal arguments to “Frankenstein’s Monster
Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell’s lawsuits
Matt Braynard’s study based on cold calling voters
Results of Braynard’s project and Dr. Steven Miller’s estimates of fraudulent votes in PA https://www.berkshireeagle.com/news/local/williams-prof-disavows-own-finding-of-mishandled-gop-ballots/article_9cfd4228-2e03-11eb-b2ac-bb9c8b2bfa7f.html
Giuliani’s Gettysburg Address
Expert witness testified seeing USB drives uploaded to multiple computers.
Jesse Morgan affidavit
Split ticket voting in Pennsylvania
Claim of Dominion fraud statistically impossible
If only Joey “Skinny” Merlino had flipped
Turns out, even Gov. Tom Wolf (D) just committed voter fraud.
Pending forensic audit by Iowa-based firm Envoy Sage
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Was the 2020 Election Stolen? Part III: Michigan
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Welcome to the third part of The Right Take guys' investigation of the allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. In this part, they dive exclusively into the election and aftermath in Michigan. After examining the evidence, they each give their personal verdict on who won the Great Lakes State.
00:00 Tipping the Michigan Scales before Election Day
02:07 Lawsuits, Affidavits, and Irregularities, and Outright Fraud
46:55 Aftermath
MI judge who allowed late ballots is a BLM activist.
A clerical error occurred in Shiawassee County that really ballooned Biden’s numbers overnight.
A video provided to Texas Scorecard from a poll watcher in Detroit showed that wagons, suitcases, and coolers rolled into Detroit in the dead of night.
Allegedly the wagon was used to carry camera equipment, and the person was an employee with a local tv station.
Obviously not just camera equipment
Wayne County’s explanation for late-night dump
Glitch led to outlandish Biden dump
Alleged food truck delivering ballots
Multiple poll watchers were also turned away.
White male election observers were allegedly targeted.
One Detroit poll watcher claimed “cold, calculated fraud.”
One Detroit poll worker used their body to hide ballot box from poll watchers.
Testimony of poll challengers Alexandra Seely and Andrew Sitto
Antrim County discrepancy giving Biden Trump’s votes
Russell Ramsland Jr’s Allied Security Operations Group’s report on Dominion machines in Antrim County
Suggestions of voter fraud at the TCF Center in Detroit
A Project Veritas video showed an unidentified postal worker claiming he received a directive to backdate mail-in ballots.
Double counting in Rochester Hills
Two confirmed cases of voter fraud
City of Detroit’s response to voter fraud allegations
The Blaze highlights key claims in 234 affidavits from 101 individuals from Trump lawsuit and testimony before MI legislature
Dead voters according to Richard Baris, director of Big Data Poll
The case of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers
Intimidation an subtle threats against Monica Palmer’s kids by MI House Rep Abraham Aiyash
Republican Wayne County Board of Canvassers backtrack on certification
Daily Signal article on Michigan Senate Oversight Committee hearing on election fraud
Testimony of fraud from Democrat Jesse Jacob
Testimony of fraud from Dominion employee Melissa Carone
Testimony from TCF Center observers
https://www.fox17online.com/news/election-2020/michigan-senate-oversight-committee-hears-7-hours-of-testimony-over-detroit-absentee-ballot-counting, https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/dec/1/witnesses-tell-michigan-senate-panel-widespread-vo/
Results of local clerk audits
Report released by Republican-controlled MI state senate, including reccommendations
On October 11, three people charged with voter fraud in three Democrat-dominated counties.
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Was The 2020 Election Stolen? Part II: Nevada
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Welcome to the second part of The Right Take guys' investigation of the allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. They begin by refuting some of the circumstantial evidence from the last episode that suggests Donald Trump should have won. They then dive exclusively into the election and aftermath in Nevada. After examining the evidence, they each give their personal verdict on who won the Silver State.
00:00 Intro
04:11 Recap of Last Episode
05:00 Rethinking some of the Circumstantial Evidence Suggesting a Trump Win
17:08 Tipping the Nevada Scales before Election Day
24:57 Lawsuits, Affidavits, Irregularities, Shenanigans, and Outright Fraud
48:09 Aftermath
In 2018, 13,087 were rejected, and in 2020, 4,122 were rejected.
Nevada's mail-in vote dumpster fire before election day
Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks's experiement that revealed that eight out of nine fake signatures were accepted in Clark County.
Matt Schlapp names two examples of dead people voting: https://news3lv.com/news/local/nevada-gop-trump-officials-allege-voting-fraud-in-nevada
A lawyer testified under oath that at least 40,000 residents voted twice: https://www.8newsnow.com/i-team/trump-lawyers-claim-1500-dead-voters-cast-ballots-40000-voted-twice-in-nevada-election-fraud/
Turns out, one dead voter fraud was committed by a Trump supporter
Nevada GOP found proof of up to 3,000 dead people voting: https://thegreggjarrett.com/nevada-fraud-a-nevada-gop-claims-to-have-found-over-3000-instances-of-voter-fraud/?utm_source=socialflow
One man in Las Vegas admitted to voting twice: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/nevada/articles/2021-11-15/vegas-man-to-admit-voting-twice-in-november-2020-election
One review found multiple cases of dead people voting: https://www.8newsnow.com/i-team/i-team-nevada-review-finds-some-cases-of-dead-or-double-voters-but-no-widespread-fraud/, https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/06/nevada-records-show-deceased-voter-rose-from-the-grave-to-cast-mail-in-ballot/
In an anonymous interview with Laura Ingram, a poll worker whistleblower said she witnessed voter fraud.
Allegations of fraud filed in NV GOP lawsuit
Gift card voting scheme
Biased NV Supreme Court Justice praises NV election
List of allegations in sealed Trump lawsuit thrown out by Judge James Russell on December 4
Where the alleged 42,284 fraudulent votes in the Trump lawsuit came from
Congressional candidate Dan Rodimer found more than 13,000 voters lacked essential information on their registrations, whereas, in 2016, only 68 lacked that info in that congressional district.
One local election in Nevada in 2020 was thrown out altogether - the Clark County Commission District C race - because, according to Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria, there were “discrepancies that we can’t explain that would cast a doubt on whether or not that margin of victory is solid.”
A deep-dive analysis by marketing data analyst Rex Briggs, hired by Trump Digital Army to investigate voter fraud
In March 2021, the NVGOP submitted 3,963 election integrity violation reports, consisting of more than 122,000 individual line item allegations of fraud to the Secretary of State’s office.
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
DEEP DIVE Was the 2020 Election Stolen? Part I: Arizona
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Who really won the presidency in 2020?
Welcome to Part I of The Right Take guys' investigation and recap of the accusations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. They begin by covering circumstantial evidence nationwide that suggests Donald Trump should have won. They then dive swing state-by-swing state into lawsuits and investigations and the hard evidence that they produced.
In this episode, they focus exclusively on Arizona., which was the first state to attract widespread accusations of voter fraud on election night and is the only swing state to have done a forensic audit of the election. After examining the evidence, they each give their personal verdict on who won Arizona.
00:00 Intro
02:24 The 2020 Election Results as handed down
04:38 Our Methodology and Road Map for diving into this
05:10 General Circumstantial Evidence that Trump won Part 1
- Did Voters feel better off than in 2016?
- Which side had more enthusiasm?
- Support in the Primaries
- Overall Vote Totals compared with past Elections
- Scholarly Models
21:17 Review of Key Points
22:23 General Circumstantial Evidence that Trump won Part II
- Voter Registration Trends
- Geographic Inconsistencies
- Census Bureau Data Discrepancy
- Bellweather Counties
- Bellweather States
- Down-ballot Factor
- Biden’s Overperforming in four major urban Centers compared with all others
43:53 Review of Key Points
50:12 Arizona
52:17 The 2020 Arizona Election Results as handed down
52:14 Circumstanstial Evidence of Fraud in Arizona Addressed
- Mail-voting Procedures and Ballots rejected in 2020 vs 2018
- Maricopa County’s historic voting Pattern
- Sharpiegate
- Democrats lost a county-wide down-ballot race in Maricopa County.
- Court-ordered bipartisan handwriting experts examined 100 absentee ballot signatures
01:04:18 Senate’s Fight to Audit the Results
- Non-legislative hearing on Nov 30
- Full legislative hearing on Dec 14
- Subpoena of voting machines and ballots on Dec 15
- Threats to imprison Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBoS)
- MCBoS conducts its own audits
- MCBoS asks court to dismiss senate’s subpoena
- Judge rules against MCBoS
- Senate hires Cyber Ninjas to conduct the audit.
01:08:10 The Curious Case of Elliot Kerwin
01:21:20 Problems Found with Maricopa County’s Election System and Process during Audit
- Were databases deleted right before handing machines over to senate?
- Multiple images of duplicate (cured) ballots where there should have only been two
- Affidavit on sloppiness in comparing mail-in ballot signatures
01:25:21 Audit Results Released
- How the auditors classified and categorized
01:26:28 The 49,718 Questionable Votes Categorized by Discrepancy and MCBoS’s Responses
01:30:08 Other Reports: Ben Cotton’s Cyfir and Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s EchoMail
01:33:53 MCBoS’s Response to Dr. Shiva’s Findings
01:36:14 Dr. Shiva’s Rebuttal
01:43:10 Audit Aftermath
01:48:04 Who won Arizona? Our Verdicts
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured