
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Revenge of the Karens
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Eric and Jacob break down last week's election results and what it means for the Right heading into 2022.
00:00 Intro
03:00 Virginia and New Jersey Election Recaps
07:35 All the Dems’ horses and all the Dems’ men could not put Terry back together again
11:23 What Critical Race Theory?
13:31 Fairfax Public Schools pry into teens sex and family lives
25:14 Did Youngkin win on the issues or on identity?
43:17 Rural counties go dark, dark red
50:38 When demographics are destiny, Democrats don’t need to run on issues
55:08 The War on White Women
Fairfax County schools send out survey asking prepubescent children about having sex: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/04/fairfax-schools-survey-teens-sex-trans/
Education was the dominant issue for Youngkin voters: https://www.foxnews.com/media/virginia-voter-tells-msnbc-mcauliffe-hurt-himself-with-education-comments
94% of Youngkin voters said parents should have “a lot” of say in their children’s education: https://www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-am-90448911-21c3-4d38-96fd-854da2e3af6d.html?chunk=1&utm_term=emshare&fbclid=IwAR3BEScQyqbgawA6ZFpgJRti5y7dSvMIPPhDgjBqF_0cjBaUjpAnqmfbT3k
Umair Haque whines about Youngkin being a fascist: https://eand.co/how-youngkin-resurrected-american-fascism-e0c2a5bf76ec
New York Times warns that the Democrats could lose even more rural voters: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/06/us/rural-vote-democrats-virginia.html
An example of how Youngkin juiced up rural turnout: https://twitter.com/Redistrict/status/1455745207048278020
Every county in Virginia shifted further Right from 2020: https://twitter.com/McCormackJohn/status/1455746658814382080
Exit polls from the 2020 presidential race in Virginia: https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/exit-polls/president/virginia
Exit polls from the 2021 gubernatorial election in Virginia: https://www.cnn.com/election/2021/november/exit-polls/virginia/governor/0
More key demographics from the 2021 race: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/republican-glenn-youngkin-wins-virginia-governors-race-nbc-news-projects/3373389/
Boston Globe says White women are “dismantling democracy:” https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/11/04/opinion/white-women-voters-dismantling-democracy/
Washington Post says White women will always vote for Republicans: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/11/27/white-women-vote-republican-get-used-it-democrats/
The Week advises Democrats to stop bashing White people: https://theweek.com/politics/1006801/operatic-disdain-for-white-people-is-bad-politics
NAACP president Ben Jealous advises Democrats to shift from social issues to economic issues: https://amsterdamnews.com/news/2021/11/05/lesson-for-democrats-in-virginia-defeat-give-voters-something-to-vote-for/
Wajahat Ali whines about White women “killing America:” https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-white-women-who-just-elected-glenn-youngkin-are-killing-america
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Why Are Some Employers Struggling to Find Workers in the US?
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
In this episode, Jacob and Eric open with some good news on the culture war's education front before looking at why many middle-class Americans vote for politicians who implement leftist, immoral policies. Attorney General Merrick Garland's recent testimony before Congress provides an answer to this. Eric then shows how vaccine mandates have driven a larger wedge between the working class and Democrats and discusses whether the Republican Party is aware enough to capitalize. For the main topic, they discuss the problem many business owners are having finding workers. Why aren't Americans going back to work as they did before the pandemic? Is it unemployment insurance, laziness, increased immigration, or something else that's disrupting the labor supply?
00:00 Intro
01:02 The National School Board Association takes a knee to parents
11:09AG Merrick Garland has no knowledge of nonbinary rape case in Loudoun County
23:56 AG Merrick Garland has no knowledge of Interior Department insurrection
35:58 Working Class Voters up for Grabs
44:00 Main Topic: Why aren't Americans going back to work?
44:19 Is federal unemployment keeping people on the couch?
51:41 Labor Supply and Demand in Post-Covid America
NSBA reverses course on letter calling parents “domestic terrorists:” https://twitter.com/NoahPollak/status/1451705222531674112
Merrick Garland gets grilled over Loudoun County rape cases involving transgender suspect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-_KdARihik
Garland gets grilled on protesters who stormed the Department of Interior: https://steube.house.gov/media/press-releases/steube-grills-ag-garland-politicized-doj-during-house-judiciary-committee
Newsweek article on how the Left is abandoning the working class over vaccine mandates: https://www.newsweek.com/working-class-americans-are-standing-themselves-left-denouncing-them-opinion-1637577
Employers still struggling to find workers even after the expiration of unemployment benefits: https://news.yahoo.com/federal-unemployment-benefits-gone-businesses-132328154.html
Cites academic study that found most people who lost benefits still can’t find work: https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/labor-shortage-idaho-employee-jobs-unemployment-hiring/277-1e2cdaa8-80cf-40b9-b1ca-d8a957982aa6
Former restaurant worker gives his perspective on the unemployment crisis: https://www.foodandwine.com/fwpro/real-reason-restaurant-worker-shortage
Cartels formed rings to supply low-wage workers to American employers in the Midwest: https://www.restaurant-hospitality.com/legal/19-indicted-restaurant-linked-racketeering-case
How the government is contributing to these immigration/employment rackets: https://www.foxnews.com/us/midnight-biden-secretly-flying-underage-migrants-ny-night
The pandemic has forced restaurants to treat employees with more respect and offer them greater compensation: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/18/restaurant-execs-less-migration-means-better-treatment-u-s-workers/
Cato Institute bemoans how Trump kept 1.2 million immigrants out of the workforce, blames this for the supply chain crisis: https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/10/19/cato-trump-excluded-1-2-million-foreign-workers-from-u-s-jobs/
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Canceled over Michelin Tires
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
In this week's episode, Eric and Jacob discuss the latest in the Loudoun County, Virginia school wars. Remember the claim that the non-binary rapist predator, who would take advantage of transgender bathrooms, doesn't exist? Loudoun County just found out they/them do exist.
For the main topic, they discuss the intersectional revolution's latest scalp: former Las Vegas Raiders coach Jon Gruden. Was Gruden given due process? Is due process itself a relic of a conquered people that the revolutionaries seek to abolish? The Right Take guys discuss this and give their thoughts on the success and staying power of this cultural revolution wreaking havoc on every aspect of American civilization.
00:00 Intro
00:01:12 Coastal Elites? Like elites who live on the coasts of Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico? Those elites?
13:27 Equal Opportunity High School Rape
Main Topic
45:25 Jon Gruden Canceled in Pyrrhic New York Times Victory
57:32 “The Difficult Reality” of having your lips compared to Michelin Tires ten years ago
Op-ed by Steve Chapman in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette defending the idea of “coastal elites:” https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/Op-Ed/2021/10/12/Steve-Chapman-What-s-so-bad-about-coastal-elites/stories/202110120013?fbclid=IwAR1Q7n16DGBFcYwHa8SPx1iP7fRuVeAud6K78tOIjfiWt63pX4YwNes8eoMLocal news report on “trans” student who raped two girls at two different schools in Loudoun County, Virginia: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/teen-accused-of-sexual-assaults-in-2-virginia-high-schools/2831314/
Interview with Scott Smith, father of the first victim of transgender rapist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCkhzHJTI5k
Wall Street Journal hit piece on Las Vegas Raiders coach Jon Gruden: https://www.wsj.com/articles/jon-gruden-email-demaurice-smith-11633721045
New York Times follow-up report on more of Gruden’s “problematic” emails: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/11/sports/football/what-did-jon-gruden-say.html
The Athletic says the burden is on Gruden to prove he is not racist: https://theathletic.com/2877784/2021/10/08/reed-raiders-coach-jon-gruden-must-prove-his-racist-comment-isnt-indicative-of-his-character/?article_source=search&search_query=gruden
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Monday Oct 11, 2021
What the Right Can Learn from Biden
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Voicing your opposition to your child's school indoctrination? You may be meeting some FBI dark suits soon. Eric and Jacob discuss this and the totalitarianism that some universities have unleashed on students, which includes using tuition to pay hall monitors to surveil and report wrong-think and Covid violations. For the main topic, they discuss what the Right could learn from the Biden administration's dedication and competence in fighting court rulings it disagrees with, specifically the Remain in Mexico policy and the Texas right-to-life law.
00:00 Intro
01:10 Further proof the “liberal” media is just corporatist
04:38 School boards sic the FBI and DOJ on concerned parents
19:10 America's new campus Stasi
41:50 What the Right can learn from the Biden administration in dealing with activist judges
01:03:44 The Right Take for the political Right
AP sides with Kellogg against their employees’ union: https://apnews.com/article/kelloggs-cereal-plants-strike-d9185eb8fa9054d34a078063c3db6c33
AG Merrick Garland orders the DOJ and FBI to investigate parents who protest school board meetings: https://amgreatness.com/2021/10/05/merrick-garland-mobilizes-fbi-to-investigate-parents-who-protest-school-boards/
Garland’s memo: https://www.justice.gov/ag/page/file/1438986/download?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
Letter by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) demanding that the Biden Administration label anti-Critical Race Theory parents as “domestic terrorists:” https://nsba.org/-/media/NSBA/File/nsba-letter-to-president-biden-concerning-threats-to-public-schools-and-school-board-members-92921.pdf
Universities giving students resources to rat each other out for “COVID violations” and “bias incidents:” https://campusreform.org/article?id=18273
Biden Administration tries to overturn Remain in Mexico policy even after Supreme Court upheld it: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/biden-administration-to-end-remain-in-mexico-policy-failed-attempt
USA Today article claims detaining illegal aliens is “unconstitutional:” https://www.usatoday.com/restricted/?return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fnews%2Fnation%2F2021%2F09%2F29%2Fborder-crossers-texas-arrested-state-initiative-police-border%2F5911692001%2F
Glenn Greenwald’s take on the Left’s opposition to Big Tech: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/democrats-and-media-do-not-want-to
Intro/Outro Music by Karl Casey, White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio/featured

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
In Episode 40, we discuss America's continued self-inflicted migrant invasion and how the Biden administration used the race card to once again put the Republican Party on defense as his approval rate plunged. For the main topic, we turn to the gubernatorial race in our home state of Virginia, the only competitive race in 2021. In the spirit of a certain preeminent conservative publication, we must give our reasons for being against a wealthy businessman who has never held public office running as the Republican nominee for an executive office. Glen Youngkin is not deserving of right-wing support. He is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad nationalist ideological consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating conservatism with inside-the-beltway overtones.
00:00 Intro
02:12 Unlimited Wage Slave Importation Continues
13:10 Main Topic: Never Youngkin
15:05 Recap of Final McAuliffe-Youngkin Debate: Covid, Abortion, and Education
30:58 Youngkin's weak-kneed takes on social issues
34:52 Youngkin surrogate calls into radio show defending him, then lies about who he is
38:48 Like candidate, like surrogate
40:22 On the issues Youngkin vs McAuliffe
49:50 Why “But the Democrat will win” is not an argument
Illegals camped out under Del Rio Bridge waiting for authorities to pick them up and release them: https://amgreatness.com/2021/09/17/over-10000-illegal-aliens-staying-under-bridge-in-texas-waiting-for-authorities-to-pick-them-up/
DHS Secretary Mayorkas admits 10-12,000 illegals have been released, with 20% of them carrying illnesses: https://amgreatness.com/2021/09/28/dhs-secretary-claims-at-least-20-percent-of-migrants-have-illnesses/
The Left triples down on the “Border Patrol whipping illegals” hoax: https://amgreatness.com/2021/09/27/texas-government-will-hire-horseback-border-patrol-agents-punished-by-biden-administration/
Full second debate between Terry McAuliffe and Glenn Youngkin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1blLxWVcPY
Virginia’s current law on abortion, which McAuliffe supports: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter4/section18.2-74/
Glenn Youngkin virtue-signals about Juneteenth: https://twitter.com/GlennYoungkin/status/1405667667609014279
Youngkin supports destruction of historic Robert E. Lee statue: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/lee-statue-richmond-republicans/2021/09/09/83b1f2b2-1171-11ec-bc8a-8d9a5b534194_story.html
Youngkin campaign staffer calls into Sebastian Gorka’s radio show under a false name to defend Youngkin from conservative criticisms: https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/09/07/youngkin-campaign-staffer-reportedly-posed-as-ordinary-caller-to-defend-boss-on-far-right-radio-show/
Youngkin faces severe conservative backlash for saying he would not sign Texas’s pro-life law: https://therepublicanstandard.substack.com/p/youngkin-rejects-texas-heartbeat
After punting, Youngkin says he would have voted to certify the 2020 election: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/youngkin-virginia-insurrection-certify/2021/09/27/64782f44-1fa7-11ec-b3d6-8cdebe60d3e2_story.html
Strong analysis by Shaun Kenney of The Republican Standard on why Youngkin’s strategies are all failing: https://therepublicanstandard.substack.com/p/why-polls-lie-to-you-and-you-love

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
The Roots of America‘s Third Reconstruction Part 2: Bolshevik Iconoclasm
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
In the wake of the Bolshevik-style taking of the equestrian Robert E. Lee statue in Virginia, Eric and Jacob discuss the current state of academic affairs in America—which has its roots in 1930s New York. They recount how a family of historians, the Foners, drew on its Marxist sympathies to undermine American history. They focus primarily on Columbia University professor Eric Foner who has dedicated his career to historical revisionism regarding the Reconstruction Era. Foner, like other Marxian historians, revises the past to fit snugly into contemporary political issues to revolutionize the present. Thanks to his revised understanding of Reconstruction, he ahistorically considers the Civil Rights Movement the “second Reconstruction.” America's current domestic turmoil is being driven by liberal arts graduates who internalized Foner's misinterpretation of history and seek to force a third reconstruction on the country to finish the job that American neo-Marxists convinced themselves that Radical Republicans began in the 1860s.
00:00 Intro
01:10 Virginia has fallen
05:30 Pfizer vials for posterity
10:50 Coping conservatives
15:40 Should we have statues to “losers” and “traitors”?
19:34 The national poisoner-in-chief behind Confederate iconoclasm: Eric Foner
26:15 Foner's leftist father
35:56 Foner's historical worldview
37:14 American Marxism and race
51:21 Foner's understanding and use of Reconstruction
54:14 Foner's Marxist thesis director
57:30 Controlling the past to control the present; controlling the present to control the future
President Trump’s based statement on Robert E. Lee: https://gab.com/TheRightTake/posts/106898605679175318
Ralph Northam’s absurd list of items that will go into a new time capsule in the former Robert E. Lee statue’s pedestal: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/governor-of-virginia/pdf/Time-Capsule-Replacement-Vision-and-Artifact-List.pdf
Historian Eric Foner’s revisionist take on Robert E. Lee: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/books/review/eric-foner-robert-e-lee.html?.?mc=aud_dev&ad-keywords=auddevgate&gclid=CjwKCAjw-ZCKBhBkEiwAM4qfF35EknfgYWNDnUvZ1_M1V64RXv__vDGlZdT9fOmUiaiDNY_UfssjYBoCMXEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
“Jews and the American Military” by Jack Foner, forward by Eric Foner
Who Owns History? Rethinking the Past in a Changing World by Eric Foner
Foner mentions that Karl Rove is a fan of his first book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49McwjkZmlw
Making slavery the end-all, be-all of American history: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/ill-bet-they-know-all-about-malcolm-x-mona-charen/
Transcript on how Foner ties every contemporary political issue to his interpretation of Reconstruction: https://www.swarthmore.edu/news-events/eric-foner-significance-reconstruction-american-history
The Rapp-Coudert Committee and anti-communist liberals of New York: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/eandc/vol29/iss2/art4/
Marxist historian Mary Stanton on Lenin's orders to American communists to recruit blacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aEJbg_cMO8

Friday Sep 17, 2021
The Roots of America‘s Third Reconstruction Part1
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
In this first part of “The Roots of America's Third Reconstruction,” we look at some of the fruit of America's core ideological rot. Eric discusses the recent California recall, and Jacob discusses General Mark Milley's usurpation, the vaccine mandate, and how the conservative movement has thwarted ordinary people from mobilizing against institutional tyranny.
In part 2, on September 20, we'll dive deep into the origins of that rot. We'll look at how one family of historians helped plant the seeds in the 1930s and how a member of that family has watered them ever since.
00:00 Intro
01:00 California solidifies its downfall
12:28 Whither now goeth the California GOP?
24:11 The Californiacation of America
27:17 General Mark Milley's Usurpation
31:02 What form of government does this show America has, exactly?
38:57 What happens when a country no longer follows the constitutional chain of command: loss of bodily autonomy
41:45 Bob Woodward's Peril also shows Milley thwarted Trump from stopping the 2020 riots.
46:43 Conservatives' naive view of the Department of Defense
50:20 Why American working people can't expect help from the GOP to resist institutional tyranny
CA GOP establishment favorite Kevin Faulconer already begins lecturing Larry Elder voters after recall election fails: https://twitter.com/Kevin_Faulconer/status/1438006793196617728
Spectator World article correctly explains how Larry Elder’s dominance is actually a win for Trumpian national populism: https://spectatorworld.com/topic/gavin-newsom-won-california-trumpism-larry-elder/
Even the LA Times admits it’s “Larry Elder’s CA GOP now:” https://twitter.com/latimes/status/1437989928382521349?s=21
Voter registration trends in California as of 2021 show GOP on the decline: https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/ror/15day-recall-2021/historical-reg-stats.pdf
Leftist article claims that Larry Elder threatened the “ethnic diversity” of the CA GOP: https://calmatters.org/politics/2021/09/california-recall-2022-campaign/
Former Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller says he did not authorize Mark Milley’s calls to China: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-acting-defense-sec-miller-says-he-did-not-authorize-milley-china-calls-says-he-should-resign
Mark Milley downplayed 2020 BLM protests and partly justified them.
Guest host for Mark Levin suggests that Americans shouldn’t protest vaccine mandates by their employers (1:43:40): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vbWFyay1sZXZpbi1wb2RjYXN0/episode/NzQyOWQ3MDYtMTRmYS0xMWVjLTk1NjktYzMyNjc0MGI4YjZj?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjA5t-GqYbzAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Remembering 9/11 after 20 Years of American Decline
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
With the 20th anniversary of 9/11 this week, Eric and Jacob recall their personal experiences finding out about the September 11 terrorist attacks and how America has changed since then. Jacob discusses the Taliban's victory lap and how this reflects on America's decline as a world power and nation-state. For the main topic, they discuss why the Biden administration isn't putting up much of a fight against the Supreme Court's ruling that it must revamp Trump's “Remain in Mexico” policy. A recent New York Times article lays out why some in the Biden administration are breathing a sigh of relief. Immigration has always been kryptonite for the Democrats, who win elections convincing their open-borders supporters that they support open borders while convincing their working-class supporters that the accusation is a Republican lie. How should American patriots respond to the Democrats' weakness on this issue? The Right Take guys explore this and more related to immigration.
00:00 Intro and 9/11 Tribute
11:23 Taliban cleans its streets of American graffiti
22:29 Main Topic: The Democratic Party's Kryptonite
23:54 New York Times article reveals why Biden administration thankful for SCOTUS decision on Remain in Mexico policy
33:26 What many conservatives get wrong about Americans who don't work and immigrants who do
36:32 When liberal immigration ideals clash with liberal immigration outcomes
50:37 Another thing many conservatives get wrong about Americans who don't work and immigrants who do
52:45 The lesson conservatives should take from liberals' being backed into a corner on immigration
Based Taliban cleans its streets of American imperialistic graffiti
Immigration: the Democrats' Kryptonite

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
The Right Takeaway from Afghanistan
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
In this week's episode, Eric discuss Ashli Babbit's killer, Michael Leroy Byrd, who has been identified and recently went on Lester Holt's show to brag about his accomplishment and deny any bad judgment. They discuss how he was groomed to be trigger-happy and what this means for the country. Jacob discusses Project Veritas's recent undercover sting: a Marxist Antifa teacher in Sacramento who grooms his students to become left-wing radicals.
For the main topic, they discuss what Americans on the Right should learn from America's embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan. Jacob discusses Biden's nosedive in the polls and why Biden doesn't think it will affect him long-term and why he might be right. They also discuss the Afghanistan Papers, the Washington Post's 2019 expose, on the waste, corruption, and deception in Afghanistan by America's military elites and what the American Right should take away from the bipartisan Afghanistan failure.
00:00 Intro
01:20 Ashli Babbit's killer brags about killing her
17:40 Project Veritas uncovers an Antifa high school civics teacher
33:19 Main Topic: The Right Take Away from America's Afghanistan Failure
35:00 Two reasons Biden doesn't care about his nosediving approval over the Afghanistan debacle
48:22 The Afghanistan Papers: Lies, deception, and corruption in Afghanistan paid for by American taxpayers
Michael Byrd, the Capitol Police officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt on January 6th, speaks out in interview with Lester Holt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fscQ8PYS-A
Project Veritas video exposing Antifa teacher in Sacramento: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83b_u5V51U8&t=485s
Joe Biden tries to move on from Afghanistan disaster: https://thefederalist.com/2021/09/01/the-white-house-hopes-we-can-all-forget-afghanistan-and-the-press-will-help/
Congressman Mo Brooks’ appearance on Steve Bannon’s Warroom: https://listen.warroom.org/e/episode-1222-%e2%80%93-extraction-under-fire-in-review-the-last-days-w-mo-brooks-terry-schilling/
Washington Post mini-documentary on The Afghanistan Papers: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac5D6og9Z54
ProPublica’s extensive report on the waste of American taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan: https://projects.propublica.org/graphics/afghan

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
America Exits the Graveyard of Empires
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
In this week’s episode, Eric analyzes the 2020 census data and how this ties into the Left’s immigration agenda. Jacob covers a recent investigation by the Washington Free Beacon (WFB), which looks at the revolving door of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) factory. WFB focuses on one consultancy, which runs a profiteering racket with private schools and private school accrediting agencies, showing how the DEI push centers around dollars in addition to ideology. For the main topic, they cover the recent withdrawal debacle in Afghanistan, which has forced the Biden administration to scramble to evacuate the tens of thousands of Americans and Afghan allies, many of them trapped behind Taliban lines.
00:00 Intro
01:40 Media celebrates the replacement of white Americans with the latest census results
07:15 An Investigation into the Lucrative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Industry
19:22 America with its tail between its legs from Afghanistan as the Taliban takes its country back.
Tucker Carlson’s monologue on the Left’s celebration of the census data: https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1426357189376086016
The DHS plans to bring even more refugees into the United States: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/18/dhs-announces-plan-speed-asylum-cases/
The lucrative revolving door bringing Critical Race Theory to schools: https://freebeacon.com/culture/the-lucrative-business-of-woke-education/
Secretary of State Blinken insists Afghanistan withdrawal is not a failure: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/15/antony-blinken-us-mission-afghanistan-saigon
Lawrence Chambers, Commander of the USS Midway during Operation Frequent Wind in Vietnam, says what’s happening in Afghanistan is even worse: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-military/2021/08/15/whats-happening-now-is-worse-midway-skipper-who-pushed-choppers-off-deck-in-fall-of-saigon/
Afghan civilians desperately try to climb onto departing Air Force plane in Kabul airport: https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2021/08/16/watch-desperate-afghans-try-to-board-u-s-air-force-plane-at-kabul-airport/
Afghan stowaways fall to their deaths from departing Air Force aircraft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XoV5gV2gUU
Bodies from departing aircraft land on rooftops in Kabul: https://twitter.com/manipulator2629/status/1427186870547537922
On July 8th, Biden said it was “highly unlikely” that the Taliban would take Kabul: https://www.npr.org/2021/08/14/1027696241/biden-said-the-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-would-be-safe-then-chaos-ensued
Biden’s approvals sink to a record low following Saigon 2.0: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-loses-ground-independents-approval-rating-drops-amid-afghanistan-debacle-1620615
CNN’s Chris Cillizza says that Biden is facing a crisis of competence: https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/16/politics/joe-biden-afghanistan-border-masks-covid-19/index.html
Biden doubles down, insists there was no way the Afghanistan withdrawal wouldn’t be messy: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-interview-kabul-airport-afghanistan-b1904954.html
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani accused of stealing $169 million. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/18/live-updates-afghanistan-news-us-evacuates-taliban-takeover/8176545002/